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Helping the lizards....just a little.

For our November Community Service, the team at CarbonEES decided to spend the day helping out at Nga Uruora, the Kapiti project "bringing Kāpiti Island's dawn chorus back to the coast".

We weren't too sure what the day would involve, but we were looking forward to spending a day on the hills of the coast, helping in any way we could.

Unfortunately, on the day we awoke to heavy rain in Wellington, but ever optimistic we made our way to Paekakariki , hoping for the "better weather" the coast is renowned for....

Alas! the rain was light when we arrived , but became heavier as the morning wore on, and after a couple of hours of wheel-barrowing and carrying heavy bags of mulch about a kilometer up the hill, in the rain, the decision was made to call it a day and try again at another time. We did get a bit of weeding and mulching done around the lizard enclosure, but not nearly as much as we had hoped to achieve.

Thanks to the others involved in this effort - about 5 volunteers from the Kapiti Project, and another 5 from the Conservation Volunteers New Zealand.

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