How to write an emissions reduction plan
CarbonEES® has the expertise and tools to help you head towards zero carbon.
CarbonEES® (Carbon and Energy Efficiency Services) was formerly known as Energy TS (Energy & Technical Services).
As we have prioritised a focus on driving down carbon emissions, alongside energy management, this has reflected in our new identity.
With our powerful patented e-Bench® and e-Calc™ software platforms, we offer one of the most sophisticated energy management and impact reporting systems in the world.
We provide a full range of energy and carbon management services to complement our innovative software and support our clients towards zero carbon. Bringing years of experience and expertise working with New Zealand and international clients we offer carbon accounting, including greenhouse gas inventories and audit support, decarbonisation plans, energy management consulting, energy auditing, contract procurement and power factor analysis.
If you want to save time, money and carbon, get in touch with the CarbonEES® team today.